Laser Psoriasis Treatment
Laser Psoriasis Treatment is a dermatological procedure that alleviates the symptoms of psoriasis, a condition characterized by red, flaky, and sometimes itchy patches of skin. These patches commonly appear on areas such as the elbows, hands, feet, knees, scalp, and lower back. At Estevez Aesthetics in Las Vegas, NV, we use the advanced Alma Harmony XL PRO laser to treat psoriasis effectively. The laser emits concentrated light energy that targets the rapid growth of skin cells responsible for psoriasis, helping to reduce inflammation, irritation, and scaliness.
The treatment is suitable for individuals dealing with mild to severe psoriasis and looking for a non-invasive solution. Results are often visible after just a few sessions, and the effects can be long-lasting when combined with a proper skincare regimen. However, the number of treatments needed may vary depending on the severity of the condition. If you’re struggling with psoriasis and seeking an effective, state-of-the-art treatment, we invite you to schedule an appointment at Estevez Aesthetics Medical Spa in Las Vegas, NV.
Benefits of Laser Psoriasis Treatment
- Targeted treatment for psoriasis-affected areas
- Utilizes advanced Alma Harmony XL PRO laser technology
- Quick treatment sessions
- Minimal downtime
- Suitable for various skin types
- Long-lasting results
- Non-invasive procedure
- Customizable treatment plans
- Professional medical spa setting
- Addresses both mild and severe psoriasis conditions`

A psoriasis condition is thought to develop when the body accidentally damages normal cells. In the case of the majority of men and women, this might be a minor concern. But when the body begins fighting illness or infection, increased activity from the immune system will likely result in an episode of psoriasis.
Pinkish or reddish spots of raised, thickened, flaking skin tissue often accompany psoriasis. The impacted areas are often located on the scalp, knees, and elbows; however, they might pop up nearly anywhere on your skin. Contact Estevez Aesthetics Medical Spa soon to have your symptoms evaluated.
Even though acute cases of psoriasis might not have lasting negative impacts, moderate to severe cases of the condition may result in psoriatic arthritis without professional treatment. When treatment is not received, this type of arthritis might cause debilitating pain, disability, and joint deformities.
Harmony XL PRO laser treatment at Estevez Esthetics uses intense energy to help control psoriasis by decelerating the expansion of cells in the skin. Treatment sessions only take a few minutes to complete and usually produce a snapping sensation and mild heat. You might need many appointments to address a plaque psoriasis problem.
While some patients report a snapping sensation and mild heat during the procedure, the treatment is generally well-tolerated and not considered painful.
Aftercare generally involves keeping the treated area clean and moisturized. It’s also important to avoid excessive sun exposure in the treated areas. Our team will provide a detailed aftercare instructions.